Debut album of this relatively fresh band from Wroclaw (members of Infekcja, Stregesti, Zatrata). Noise/Space Punk/Hardcore from a confused time for an apocalyptic future!!!
The legendary and out of stock demo tape of FRONTEX from Limburg is released on vinyl for the first time. Fans of bands like Schleimkeim and Brechreiz 08/15 will be delighted by this record. Limited to 500 pieces.
The first longplayer has already become a classic and the second edition was long out of print. Due to the high demand, the third edition is now available with exclusive features.
Between debut LP "City Baby Attacked By Rats" and acclaimed follow-up "City Baby's Revenge", independent label Clay Records collected all the Charged G.B.H. singles for the shockingly awesome compilation "Leather Bristles No Survivors And Sick Boys"